About Mountain Plains NAHRO
The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) is a professional membership organization comprised of approximately 18,000 housing and community development agencies and individuals throughout the United States who administer a variety of affordable housing and community development programs at the local level.
The Mountain Plains Regional Council (MPRC) of NAHRO is one of eight regional councils nationwide established to facilitate widespread participation in NAHRO programs and to serve as a means of recognizing the special local interests of its members.
Mountain Plains NAHRO is comprised of six state chapters of NAHRO, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Each of the state chapters operates independently and has no "official" connection to national NAHRO. A paid member in a state chapter within the region automatically becomes a member in Mountain Plains NAHRO. National NAHRO membership is a separate fee.
The purpose of Mountain Plains NAHRO is to be the leading housing and community development advocate for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and strong, viable communities for all Americans, particularly those with low to moderate incomes, and to enhance the professional development and effectiveness of NAHRO's members.
Mountain Plains NAHRO is committed to representing your interests at the regional and national level, with HUD and other public interest groups. Each year, the Mountain Plains Board of Directors develops a Legislative Agenda based on input from members. The Agenda is distributed to all members for use at the local and state level. It is also presented to Congressional Representatives in Washington DC at the NAHRO Legislative Conference in March.
Professional Development
Mountain Plains NAHRO sponsors professional development training, technical training and an annual conference hosted by one of the states in the region. These training programs are designed to help you and your agency acquire the practical skills needed for today's housing and community development work environment.
Mountain Plains NAHRO members have access to a wide variety of individuals with specialized and successful skills. Members find it helpful to know others who have experienced similar housing and community development challenges.
Newsletters and Broadcast Updates
Mountain Plains NAHRO provides an electronic newsletter on this web site with vital housing and community development information. Email broadcasts are also sent to members providing information of current issues, requesting membership input for legislative decision making, and broadcasts of job openings in the region.
Click here to download a copy of the Mountain Plains NAHRO ByLaws.